Serving East Texas since 1958

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As a company and a member of our world-wide community, we feel one of the greatest responsibilities we are charged with is the preservation and protection of our environment. We are motivated by the realization that we have one world and one chance to leave the legacy of a healthy environment for our children and their future generations. East Texas Asphalt Company is pleased to recognize that all of our products are 100% recyclable.

The asphalt industry reuses and recycles nearly 100 million tons of its own product every year, making it America’s number one recycler. Reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) actually reduces the amount of virgin asphalt cement needed for constructing new roadways. When RAP is incorporated into new pavement, the asphalt cement in the old pavement is reactivated, becoming part of the glue that holds the new pavement together and replacing some of the virgin asphalt cement that would otherwise be required. This makes the final product less vulnerable to market fluctuations in raw material prices while conserving precious natural resources. Other materials-including rubber from used tires, glass, and asphalt roofing shingles-are recycled into asphalt pavements.